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Customer service policy

Goodenough Events and Venue Hire aim to deliver a professional and enjoyable customer experience of the highest quality to all event guests and clients.

This customer service policy outlines the measures we have put in place to support us in delivering this. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and have a robust framework for measuring and improving our service delivery.

We aim to meet your needs with efficiency, effectiveness, fairness and courtesy by:

  • Providing a friendly service, showing respect and sensitivity
  • Treating you fairly – demonstrating our commitment to equality and diversity
  • Recognising and responding to your particular needs
  • Dealing with your requests and enquiries accurately, promptly and efficiently
  • Offering an explanation if we can’t answer your request /enquiry
  • Establishing service standards and monitoring our performance
  • Continuing to develop our teams’ skills
  • Respecting your confidentiality
  • Welcoming your feedback

We achieve this by:

  • Having a regular management review of policies and procedures in place
  • Having a robust Health & Safety Policy in place, outlining our approach to effective health and safety management including risk assessments
  • Creating continuous training and development opportunities for all our staff.
  • Investigating complaints and responding in a timely manner
  • By gathering and monitoring of customer feedback
  • Following the industry standards for events as set-out by the HBAA and MIA of which we are accredited members.


We aim to acknowledge all enquiries within 24 hours (36 hours if over a weekend) in a comprehensive, accurate and friendly manner. When we are unable to answer your query in full an indication of the timeframe required will be provided.

First option holds will be maintained for up to 2 weeks. Should we need to deadline you for a decision within this 2-week period a minimum of 2 working days will be provided for you to contract or release.

You will be allocated a dedicated point of contact who will be assist you from the sales process through to the planning stages of your event. They will ensure your needs are clearly communicated on the Event Note which will be sent to your prior to your event date for accuracy checking. They will strive to ensure your event needs are met and delivered to the highest standard.

What to expect on the day

Upon arrival at the venue, our reception team will welcome you and your guests to Goodenough College, and provide directions to your specified meeting room or event space.

Our reception team will make your operations manager aware of your arrival who will come to your event room to greet you and run through the order of the day (to ensure there have been no last minute changes) and ensure you are aware of key information (e.g. Fire procedures, WIFI password, location of the toilets etc).

The event room will be ready and set up to your specifications, including any audio-visual items you may have booked, as outlined in advance of the event day on the Event Note. If you have ordered event catering, it will be served at the times agreed and in the quantities requested as per the Event Note. If you wish to add any additional items on the day, or are being charged for your drinks “on consumption”, you will need to sign a consumption sheet prior to leaving site at the end of the event. This document will be provided to you by our hospitality team.

Throughout your time with us, our team will be on hand to ensure the smooth running of your event and deal with any changes, challenges or queries if they arise.


All team members are: trained in customer service standards; will exhibit customer friendly service skills; be knowledgeable, professional and courteous in meeting the needs of our customers.


As part of our commitment to upholding professional standards, we will review our policies annually to ensure that they continue to meet the business needs and that they are consistently applied to all of our customers.

Opportunity to give feedback on the service you received

Post event, you will be sent a feedback form through Survey Monkey, which can be completed anonymously if you prefer. We welcome all feedback and comments, which we incorporate into improving our offer and service. We are constantly striving exceed your expectations.

Comments, suggestions, concerns and complaints

If you would like to make any comments, suggestions, raise a query or make a complaint about the service you have received, please contact us. All such issues should be directed to the Event Sales and Marketing Manager, Sabrina Beck, in the first instance: We will respond to your query within 3–5 working days. We seek fair, just and prompt solutions when possible to any concerns and complaints. Goodenough Events and Venue Hire has a comprehensive customer and complaint procedure with the involvement of Directors. We aim to resolve any issues to the satisfaction of all parties.

Access to information

We comply fully with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Any personal or confidential information held by us about a client is fully accessible to that person or body for review or editing by contacting Janine Binks, Director of Operations (DPO).

How to contact us

Goodenough House
Mecklenburgh Square, London WC1N 2AB

T: 020 7753 0578